Exchange program with schools abroad

Learning experience and exposure are best suited at SRS. The school has initiated exchange programs with the schools in UK (Rackham School), UAE (JSS International School) and Ethiopia (East African Community Schools), RS is a member of United Kingdom India education and research initiative (UKIERI) a program sponsored by British Council. The main objective is to prepare joint curriculum projects to enhance better understanding of each other's culture and teaching practices.

SRS has got accreditation on International School award scheme involved seven projects which were carefully chosen and the students with the guidance of the teachers worked on them tirelessly thereby accomplishing international perspective, hands on experience, leadership and organisational skills that fulfilled the riteria of achieving the prestigious award.

At Another Glorifying Milestone Adoring SRS

SRS won India's best school among top 500 schools in India award sponsored by Brain feed under the category of "Best CBSE School, Boarding School, Community and Collaboration School, Parental Engagements and the best results" produced since inception.
The School has fared Excellency in all the selected parameters of assessment and has achieved this prestigious award in the academic sessions 2019-20 and 2021-22.

SRS even embed the qualities of gratitude and national pride among the students by encouraging them to write letters of appreciation for Olympic achievers', to the chairman of ISRO on the successful launch of satellites, congratulations letter for the Prime minister and the cabinet ministers on their achievements. All these letters brought colours and encouragements on the faces of students when they received the lovely response by the concerned departments..

Laudable Laurels

SRS aims to offer challenging and balanced education by treading systematically in pursuit of excellence. Students here are exposed to various competitions. Many took part in science based competitions such as National Science Congress, Inspire award, Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan and brought laurels to the School.

Stunning Sports Achievements

SRS aims at channelizing the physical strength of the students by involving in a variety of sports events. The school harnesses their potential and enables them to attain mental emotional and physical fitness along with ethics through sports. Students of our school participated in various National level sports events held at Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Hyderabad, Maharashtra and Delhi. More than 30 students have received the scholarship of Rs. 10,000/- for representing Karnataka in Nationals.